Time Is Up (1)

Dear friends, I sincerely believe ‘time is up’. No longer can we sit on the fence. Decisions must be made now. Jesus will wait no longer. Do not believe for a moment that because it was delayed in the past it will be delayed again. Well it won’t. Jesus is coming ready or not.

Friends, your salvation hangs in the balance. Your earthly toys are holding you back. Search your hearts, are you ready to turn your back on your earthly possessions. Maybe a beautiful watch, movies, entertainment. Friends, you have to choose now heaven or earth, salvation or damnation. Jesus will wait no longer and we have to be prepared.

Harden your hearts my friends to the pull of earthly pleasures. Satan is an opportunist. He will stop at nothing to hold you back. Satan knows each and all of us intimately, he has studied us all our lives, he knows our weaknesses, friend he knows you.

It’s time now to break our earthly ties, to turn our backs on earthly attractions, distractions. We need right now to put on the whole armour of God and stand ready to fight.

Friends, time is up, we are on our way. Are you ready?