In Light of It All
Dear friends, it has been a long and prosperous mission. A lot of documents have been written and a lot of counsel given. I believe I have come to the end of my journey, others can pick it up and continue from here. I have fulfilled my commission to tell the world of Jesus’ love and His imminent return. Friends, I would like to leave with a letter to sum it all up – In light of it all.
The path my friends, has not been easy. There have been many pitfalls, trials and temptations but through it all our Saviour has been by my side. I have felt His presence holding me up, strengthening me and pointing me in the direction I should go. Jesus is my blessed redeemer and I love Him dearly. I started this commission because of my love for Him and I have rested on Him every step of the way. This commission has not been without its struggles and tears. The devil has withheld nothing in his attempts to destroy me. Satan has fought every step of the way and believe me the battles for my life have been fierce. I am still standing and as I come to the close of my commission I believe I am living proof that the devil cannot prevail while one is attached to our Saviour. Jesus has personally carried me through the fire, and friend I know He will carry you as well. I have enjoyed working with heaven, I have felt their power to uphold me and strengthen me. All through the storms I know Jesus was there and I know from experience that the devil cannot prevail.
Jesus is my redeemer and I know this path of pain I have walked has not been in vain. We are heading into the time of trouble, we are now very near to heaven and the battle is not over yet. I pray the documents written and the sermons preached will strengthen you for the fight ahead. Hold on friends, Jesus will do for you what He has done for me, He will hold you up. Have no fear, with Jesus on our side we know the devil cannot prevail. The battle has started, heaven is just around the corner and I pray you have the courage and fortitude to stand. Be of good cheer my friend, the end is near.
In light of all I have been through, looking back over the path I have come, I can see how Jesus has carried me through and although it has been a very rocky ride, if I had my time over again I would not change a thing. I have learnt of the power of God and His ability to defeat the devil. Believe me friend, there is nothing Jesus cannot save us from, the devil is putty in His hands. Friends, I would like as my final message to appeal to you. Place yourself in Jesus’ capable hands, He will protect, strengthen and guide you. You are ever safe in His welcoming arms. Jesus loves us so much and He is waiting to carry us home.
In light of it all – yes my friends, it was worth it. My time is over, my work is done, I commend you to the loving care of our blessed Redeemer, I know from experience our Saviour will carry us home. Put yourself in His loving care and trust in Him. Hold on dear friends, heaven is just around the corner, where we can finally rest from our labours and relax in happiness forever more. Stand strong, be of good courage, my prayers are with you.