A Definition of Hope

A definition of hope according to the dictionary is “Grounds for believing that something good may happen”. I would like to point out that while the dictionary says ‘may happen’ I can assure you ‘hope’ in God’s dictionary is definite, not ‘may’ but definite. With God all hope is a sure foundation. As soon as we place our hope in Jesus our salvation is secured. Jesus gives us hope, assurance and in His arms we are redeemed and secured.

Jesus says “come unto Me all ye who are heavy laden and I will give you rest”. Jesus is waiting with His arms open wide. He is ever willing and waiting, tenderly drawing us in. Into His love, compassion and tender watchcare and with Jesus our Lord and Saviour forgiveness and salvation is a given. We don’t have to ‘hope’ as the dictionary states. We rest on Jesus’ definition of hope, which is a definite not a ‘may’.

Dear friends, are you feeling the pull of the Holy Spirit? Do you long for peace and comfort? Jesus is waiting child, hoping you will come to Him today.